Sc2 record ai actions
Sc2 record ai actions

sc2 record ai actions

Similarly, it's useful for getting into the habit of scouting and exerting a bit of map control. don't just go win at the earliest possible moment), but it's still a nice, safe, easy place to work on a few things. Yeah, you've got to use a bit of creativity in terms of objectives (ie. For a start, it's a handy place to practice the mechanics of the macro side of things. It bears little resemblance to the real thing, so won't "prepare" you for real people as the Blizzard AI is very predictable, and very "conventional". I'm bronze (rarely ladders, but plays a lot of "practice" 1v1s with real opposition) and can thrash Very Hard time after time. ai games wont teach you much as you can see in my example. To summerize the whole ai thing i would just say: play against the ai if your macro is not good and stop when you can beat the computer to start some laddergames. with the new knowledge you can up your macro quite easily and get into platinum in no time. if you then decide to rank up just watch day9 daylies.

sc2 record ai actions

If i were you i would stay in bronze for a while to get some sort of game sense. So to answer your question you dont have to be ANY level to be able to beat very hard ai. i can barely keep my win/loss at 50% and rarely win against other platinum players. but the missing game sense and experience is very hard to deal with for me. Now after some more than 100 games i can deal with most cheeses quite okayish. now i had to learn all the "how to hold off cheese" and game sense in general in platinum league and that of course costed me a lot of games. every time a protoss proxygated or just plainly zealot rushed i died immidiately. i had never encountered any form of cheese and my game sense was (obviously) poor. then i decided to start to ladder.Īfter my placement matches i got into platinum due to okay macro. then i started to be able to beat the ai. after some training i was able to survive the first push and lose later on. i just thought to myself that i will start to leader when i am able to beat the 3 races on very hard.

sc2 record ai actions

with very hard i had some serious problems. for a pretty long time i only played against the computer to learn the tech tree and learn to macro and using hotkeys. before sc2 i didnt play any rts seriously (none competitively).

Sc2 record ai actions